SQL Server


What is a SQL Server Heap? Before we get into the different types of indexes that are available in SQL Server we should first describe the basic structure of a table.  Tables with no clustered…

SQL Server


Triggers are specail stored procedures that execute automatically based on an event. There are 3 types of triggers: DML (Data-Manipulating Language) Triggers: work when the event of DMLs are invoked like Insertion, Updating, Deletion etc…

SQL Server


where ever we use a select statement we get some kind of resultset. in order to save our time sql provides a functionality to save such queries as views so Views are basically stored queries.…

Development SQL Server Stored Procedures


SQL Server THROW statement overview The THROW statement raises an exception and transfers execution to a CATCH block of a TRY CATCH construct. The following illustrates the syntax of the THROW statement: 123 THROW [ error_number ,          message ,          state ]; In this syntax: error_number The error_number is an…