
Types of Instances

Retail: port 91

Corporate: port 81

When you login, you have to choose the entity.(Entity is the location) For administration purposes choose head office.

Corporate: Sales, Dealers and settlement team

Foreign Currencty -> Fx Trade

Masters -> Corporate Clients


  1. Employee Master: New, Activate, Deactivate and Enitity changes
  2. User Master: New, Activate, Deactivate and entity changes of user IDs
  3. User Group Master: Assigning/Removing the users from a specified group
  4. Send SMS for Admin Login: These people will recieve sms whenever an admin log in to the system.

Creating New Accounts:

In order to create a new account, we have to do the following steps:

  1. Create new Employee in masters:
    1. Employee Ref should be same as user ID in User Master.
    2. Employee code is auto generated
    3. Grade: Position of the user (Usually choose staff.)
    4. Entity: Location of the user
  2. Create a new User Id in Masters-> User Masters
    1. Choose the employee
    2. Enter the username, (Same as the employee ref in employee master)
    3. Enter the password
  3. Create Cashier (If the user is used to be as a cashier)
    1. Choose Employee
    2. Handling status : LC,FC and POS (Cheque and other access on demand).
  4. Once the accounts has been created, now we have to give them the access, For that we have to go to the administration,
  5. User-Group Details: on this page you will include the user in a group, once assigned the user will get the privilages that are assigned to that group.
  6. User-Group-Rights: This menu item is used to edit the privilages of the user groups

Activating/Deactivating accounts

  1. Activate/Deactivate the user in the User Master
  2. Activate/Deactivate the user in the Employee Master
  3. (Deactivation will start from User Master while Activation will start from Employee Master, if its a cashier you have deactivate in the cashier master also)

Adding new Banks:

  1. Only after compliance approvals, we can add a bank.
  2. Goto Masters->Banks->Neft Bank Master
  3. Bank code: First letters of the IFSC code
  4. Bank Name: Name of the bank
  5. Description: if any
  6. Account number min/Max length: not required
  7. Make sure the checkbox of active is ticked

Adding new branches for the banks

  1. Only after compliance approvals, we can add a bank.
  2. Go to Masters->Banks->Neft Branch Master
  3. Choose the bank
  4. Branch Name: enter the name
  5. State: choose the state (If not available, goto masters->general->state master, code will the first 3 letters and create the state)
  6. District: (Not required though) choose the district (If not available, goto masters->general->District master, code will the first 3 letters and create the District)
  7. IFSC code: enter the ifsc code
  8. Save it.

Make a new Transactions/Remittance:

  1. Retail branch will create a new transaction
  2. Goto Remittance-> Remitance outward->TT Sale
  3. Chosse the product country
  4. choose the product
  5. enter the fc amount and other details
  6. After that save it
  7. then teller has to approve it
  8. once approved the token id will come and can be used by the cashier to collect the money.

Express Products

Products: Western Union, RIA, Transfast, Instant Cash, Mobile Recharge

For Western Union: Go to express products -> epress products (This is just for WU, as you have done the transaction on WU but for the accounting and reports we have to enter the details here also)

express products -> Instance cash (If you want to include a country with the mode, you can go to Instant Cash Agent List and select the country with the payment mode to add.)

EzeTop: this menu is used for mobile topups.

Transfast: this is for the transfast (In order to update the agent list, we have to do it from server, we have to use the ftp and download the agent list and update it)

IME: IME is the portal for RIA, (we can update the agent through IME Agent Updation)