Index basically is a way to find the relevant data row faster. so sql provides us the features of using indexes. There are two types of indexes basically: Clustered Index: A clustered index is one…
Index basically is a way to find the relevant data row faster. so sql provides us the features of using indexes. There are two types of indexes basically: Clustered Index: A clustered index is one…
File Commands ls Directory listing ls -al Formatted listing with hidden files ls -lt Sorting the Formatted listing by time modification cd dir Change directory to dir cd Change to home directory pwd Show current…
Office 365: Connect-MsolService (To connect with office 365) Get-MsolUser -EnabledFilter EnabledOnly | select DisplayName,UserPrincipalName, LastPasswordChangeTimeStamp,isLicensed | Export-CSV C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\NRateBoard\abc1fev.csv (To Export the file) AD: Login to the AD Server Open Poweshell and use this command. Get-ADUser…